furiously curious.

mediPLAYtion landing



This is the landing page for Dr. Miller’s collective research on using digital media to distract patients during medical procedures.


Prescribing mediPLAYtion for pain: The relationship between digital media and distraction coaching during needle pokes

This is where you can find the dissertation I wrote as part of the requirements for my Educational Psychology and Learning Sciences PhD at The University of Iowa College of Education.


mediPLAYtion Infographic

This is the full mediPLAYtion infographic that educates patients and family about the importance of using distraction, how it helps, and ways to promote cooperative engagement in digital media during medical procedures.


mediPLAYtion for Mobile

This is the mobile version of the mediPLAYtion infographic for use on a mobile-responsive website or educational app.


MEDIPLAytion Ignite Talk

This is the recording of Ignite Talk I gave at the 2017 Digital Media & Learning Conference at UC Irvine.